Nursing Module
Nursing Module allows fast time saving documentation capability and work flows customized for individual specialties. The system is dynamically designed for use on workstations, tablets and PDA's to maximize efficiency in a high volume environment. The Nursing station module allows easy co-ordination between wards, nursing station, out patient and in-patient department, stores and front office. The easy to use module helps staff nurses to easily manage drug prescriptions, laboratory tests and other services. The module enables complete safety, satisfaction and experience to patients admitted in various wards.
Prepare ward requests
Medicine request to pharmacy
Status indications to improve user experience
Lab requests to laboratory
Provision for viewing results after generating lab result from laboratory department
Reduce paper work and paper
Keep track daily observations – Pulse, BP, Temperature etc.
Keep record for doctors notes on each ward visit
Track and provision for shift room/ward on real time
Monitor pending requests from pharmacy or store
Request for procedures from departments such as laboratory, x-ray and scan
Log daily services or medicines given administered to patients
Monitor environment such as temperature & humidity
Movement of beds and other objects in wards
Track and detect abnormal activities during odd hours
Integration with hospital asset tracking solution